Share my boards - Frequently Asked Questions
- How many members can I invite to join my board?
- Where can I see who joined my board?
- Do I get a notification when someone joins my board?
- Can I prevent team members from sharing my board?
- "View Only" means that my team members can't share my content?
- What's the difference between "View Only" and "Can view and share?"
- Will my team members be able to share the board that I shared with them?
- Can board owners prevent team members copying content from their boards?
- Is there a way to share a copy so that they can personalize it?
- Can I remove a member from my list?
- Can I create a board together with other teammates?
- Shared Boards: Content Missing or Not Updating
- Can my team members edit my content?
- So when my team members can edit my board and if they do, will it change the content on my board?
- Can a board have multiple admins?