To share your board, select the 'Add members' icon and add the email address of the person you'd like to share your board with, then click on 'Send'
Here you can also choose how the specific person views or edit your board. This can be 'view only' (where they can only see and use your content), 'view and share' (where they can view and share your board with others), or 'edit' (where they can edit your board and collaborate with you with the content creation).
If you’d like to remove someone on the list, click “x”.
You can also view the list of members by clicking 'Members' on the top right of the box. Here you can also choose how the specific person views your board. This can be 'view only' (where they can only see and use your content), 'view and share' (where they can view and share your board with others), or 'edit' (where they can edit your board and collaborate with you with the content creation) Also, you can remove members from the board.
Additionally, you can share your board with others via a custom link