Missing content on my boards
We understand that losing the content of your boards can be frustrating, but please be assured that all board content is saved in the cloud and is safe. If you find that the content of a board is no longer appearing, there could be a couple of reasons for this.
Firstly, it is possible that the owner of the board may have deleted it. If this is the case, unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to retrieve the deleted board or its content.
Secondly, it is possible that you may have been removed from the board by the owner. In this scenario, the content of the board will still be saved, but you will no longer have access to it.
In any case, we recommend reaching out to the owner of the board to confirm the status of the board and to see if there are any steps that can be taken to retrieve the lost content.
The content of my Boards is not updated
Board content is designed to update in real-time whenever a change is made, whether it's creating, editing, or deleting content. If you're not seeing updates to your board, it could be due to your board membership status.
If you're a board member, you should have real-time content updates (Learn more here). However, if you received content via a link, you won't have access to real-time updates (Learn more here). In this case, you will need to request an invitation from the board owner to become a board member.